• Time : Monday-Saturday : 9:00am-6:00pm
  • Phone : +91 9160888788
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Cultivation of Banana Crop Using Tissue Culture Plants


Banana can be grown all over the year provided there are plenty of ground water except peak summer months. Plants will be available throughout the year. Farmers should ensure that the high wind gales during summer months should not damage the crop.


Light loamy soils and sandy red soils with good drainage are suitable for Banana cultivation. Black cotton soils with poor drainage are not suitable. Soils with lower or higher PH than 6-7.5 may not be suitable for banana crop. Farmers should also ensure that the soil is not inhabited by nematodes .

Land preparation and planting

Plough thoroughly before marking for planting, grand naine plants can be planted at a spacing of 5x6 feets distance plant to plant and row to row. Apply Single super phosphate in land preparation or in pits. 1x1x1 size pits prepared and applied FYM, forate granules prior to planting.


Irrigation in banana farming:

Immediate irrigation after planting must be given. Regular Irrigation has to be followed through out the crop duration. Irrigate when top soil layer become dry or at discretion. Drip irrigation is most suitable for banana crop which helps in fertigation.


Approximately 25-30 metric tons of fruits can be harvested in two cuttings from 10 th to 11 th month. Average bunch weight would be around 25 kgs.
India is worlds highest producer of Banana fruits and is one of the easiest crop to cultivate with a guaranteed good profits.

  •   The practices and advises from scientists of Atlantis phytotech is tentative only.
  •   For other crop management and agronomic practices reach out to customer care number.